So, I'm sitting in Mass with my class yesterday. One of my little girls starts crying. I try to go over and find out what's wrong. She says, "I miss my grandpa"(her grandpa died during last school year). So immediately, I start thinking about my own grandpa who passed away around the same time. At the time, lots of my cousins posted blogs about what a wonderful man Grandpa Charlie was. I wasn't sure then what I wanted to say, but I know now. My grandpa was a man of action; not words. He did many great things in his lifetime. The best thing he ever did for me (or for any of his grandkids if you ask me) was to teach our parents how to be good parents. It's often said that a man should be measured not by what he has, but by what he leaves behind. If that's true, my grandpa received an A+ at life.